Frank Wyatt, Strategic Advisor, Enterprising Partnerships

Work hard, finish school, go to university and you’ll be sure of a good job. Right? Wrong! Says Frank Wyatt, who believes we’ve been telling lies to young people for way too long.… Read more

Mark LeBusque, Speaker, Author and Coach

What if business owners and managers treated their staff like… humans? Well as far as Mark LeBusque is concerned, not enough workplaces run with humans in mind, expecting a more robotic type response.… Read more

Paul Brennan, Principal, Brennans Solicitors

If you’re looking to grow your business, one option is to buy another business. But be very careful. Legal expert Paul Brennan says there are many things you need to be aware of, for example: why is the owner of the business selling, what’s in the fine print, and have you done your due diligence?… Read more

Sue Barrett, CEO, Barrett Consulting Group

Sales managers are often thrust into their positions because it’s the natural progression to their career. The problem is they’re often given little ongoing support and training in management.… Read more