Doing business with other parties is challenging enough, but even more so when you’re facing a counterpart with a game plan deliberately set to undermine you.… Read more
Barry Urquhart, Marketing Strategist, Marketing Focus
As a result of COVID-19, the big push these days is to go digital in our marketing and communication with customers.… Read more
Jamie Towers, Tax Partner, Mazars
Could the ATO have you in its sights? Because if you’re fortunate enough to fall into a certain category of “privately owned or wealthy entities”, the tax office is keen to find out if your tax governance is up to scratch.… Read more
Alan Hargreaves, Business Strategy Specialist
Many “new” ideas already exist in some form or other — does yours bring something better to the market?… Read more
Andrew May, CEO and Co-Founder, StriveStronger
It’s a fine line: having the perseverance and grit to constantly manage a business, without succumbing to burnout. Andrew May, CEO of StriveStronger, recognises the challenge businesses face and says looking after your physical and psychological wellbeing is paramount to a healthy business.… Read more
Rob Hartnett, Sales and Business Growth Advisor
The fundamentals of selling still exist, but sales people need to fine tune their skills and techniques to get to their prospects earlier in the decision-making process.… Read more
Cheryl-Anne Laird, Head of the HR and IR Division at Mazars
“Oh no, I’ve stuffed up the payroll and underpaid my staff!” Heard that one before? Cheryl-Anne Laird of Mazars will tell you how easy and how common it is to make mistakes in payroll.… Read more
Kate Fennessy, Director, Paperboat Digital
While the vaccine is being rolled out, snap lockdowns are still on the cards, keeping many businesses in a holding pattern.… Read more
Andrew May, CEO and Co-Founder, StriveStronger
To achieve your potential, you need to schedule regular time away from your business. That’s according to Andrew May, CEO and Founder of StriveStronger.… Read more
Athena Koelmeyer, Principal and Managing Director, Workplace Law
The COVID vaccination roll-out may come as a huge relief for most people, but it brings all sorts of curly challenges for employers.… Read more