Andrew Ford, Founder of Social Star, has turned the elevator pitch on its head with his own pitch structure which aims to be more conversational.… Read more
Simon Dowling, Business Coach and Author
If you want your team to be fully committed to your idea, first it’s worth spending time with them to connect and develop a level of trust.… Read more
Aaron Goonrey, Partner at Lander and Rogers Lawyers
Sometimes your most talented employees are also the hardest to manage. How do you keep them in line?
It’s a common dilemma for business owners.… Read more
Alan Rodway, business coach
Sure, it’s easy to be a fine upstanding business citizen when everything’s going well. But what happens if times get tough – like now?… Read more
Michelle Gibbings, Workplace expert and author
There’s nothing good about bad bosses. Often, they are the reason a workplace is toxic, they can lead team members to suffer stress and mental health problems, and they’re the cause of staff turnover.… Read more
Sue Barrett, Barrett Consulting Group
If tyre kickers are tying up your time seeking quotes and proposals without coming through with the work – then it’s time to call them out.… Read more
Tim Hoopmann, Business Trainer and Speaker for Beyond Blue
It comes as no surprise that calls to mental health support groups have spiked during COVID-19. In particular, business owners have been doing it really tough with the awful potential of closure, laying off staff and simply trying to perform at peak, while the world seems to be crumbling around them.… Read more
Hunter Leonard, Founder & CEO of Silver & Wise
Do you have a problem with employing mature-aged workers? Lots of us do, apparently – and that’s a huge shame, for employers who miss out on the experience that maturity brings and for mature workers as doors slam shut on their employment opportunities.… Read more
Adele Crane, CEO of Sales Focus Advisory
Sales and marketing, it rolls off the tongue, but these two disciplines working in harmony, can sometimes be a struggle.… Read more
Thomas Pollock, Founder of THINQ Learning
Applying for the chance to win a government contract can be cumbersome, time-consuming and a headache for any one in business.… Read more