Tony Gattari, Founder and Managing Director, Achievers Group

Managing a team is not set and forget. Tony Gattari, Achievers Group, Founder and Managing Director, likens it to sport – your players have a KPI scoreboard which keeps them on track every single day.… Read more

Michael Carrick, Director, The Carrick Group

The frontline of business is customer service. That’s where we engage with customers and – hopefully – persuade people to buy.… Read more

Steve Sammartino, Futurist and Tech expert

Be aware of Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams warns tech expert, Steve Sammartino. He says that scams like these are increasing as improved technology allows scammers to impersonate you and your business.… Read more

Jaquie Scammell, Customer service expert

One of the many consequences of COVID-19 has been the lack of human connection. While technology has filled the gap, it’s as important as ever for businesses to provide that human touch and meaningful customer experience.… Read more