Colin Pearce, Business Coach

If you ask questions and listen to the answers, you will learn what your customers want. Selling becomes easier and you don’t have to talk so much, says sales expert Colin Pearce.… Read more

Professor Neville Norman, University of Melbourne

Australia looks unlikely to fall into a recession, though we will experience lower growth. That’s the prognosis of our regular economics commentator, Melbourne University Professor Neville Norman.… Read more

Matthew Addison, Chair, Council of Small Business Associations Australia

Australian law has changed when it comes to secrecy provisions in employment contracts, and it’s something all business owners and managers need to come to terms with.… Read more

Karen Gately, CEO, Corporate Dojo

This year’s Australia Day holiday fell on a Thursday. Some employees around the country saw that as an opportunity to take a sickie, and have an extra-long weekend.… Read more