Ty Giuliani, LinkedIn Expert. Selling Made Social

LinkedIn is one of the best social media platforms for reaching out individually to prospective clients. The problem is, insists LinkedIn expert Ty Giuliani, business owners aren’t active enough to get the results.… Read more

Belinda Eden, Founder, Troop Events

When Belinda Eden founded Troop Events, a business which provides on-demand hospitality and event staff across Ballarat and regional Victoria, she wasn’t to know that COVID was about to hit.… Read more

Cinzia Cozzolino, Founder and CEO, The Smoothie Bombs

Cinzia Cozzolino started her smoothie business almost by accident. After she started preparing delicious nutritional smoothies for her daughter, word got out.… Read more

Anna Marshall, Director, People Mastery

There is, as they say, a first time for everything. And that includes stepping into a leadership role. To help first-time managers, we hear from leadership expert Anna Marshall, founder of People Mastery and author of ‘On you marks, get set…LEAD!:… Read more

Tamara Oppen, Vice President, Developed English Markets,

Online spending went through the roof during the pandemic, as consumers stuck at home relied on ordering goods that could be delivered to their door.… Read more

Matthew Addison, Chair, Council of Small Business Associations Australia

New rules have come into effect that may change the way some small businesses undertake recruitment. It’s now illegal to advertise jobs that pay below the minimum wage — or award — for every job.… Read more