Anthony Healy, CEO & MD, Australian Business Growth Fund

There are four ways small businesses can benefit from a hit of growth capital. Anthony Healy, CEO and MD of the Australian Business Growth Fund, says swapping a minority share of your business for a large injection of capital can help SMEs accelerate their growth, open new business opportunities, free up resources and provide additional expertise and access to new networks.

Luke Achterstraat, CEO, Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA)

Technology changes quickly, so what is in store for small businesses in the future? The CEO of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA), Luke Achterstraat, says there are vast opportunities and challenges awaiting small businesses in the realms of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.… Read more

Arty Raptis, CEO, A. Raptis & Sons

A. Raptis & Sons is your quintessential migrant-family business success story. In the 1950s, Arthur and Anna Raptis migrated from a Greek fishing village to South Australia, where they opened a fish and chip shop, with a wholesale fish area at the back.… Read more

Luke Achterstraat, CEO, Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA)

How healthy, or unwell, is the small business sector? Luke Achterstraat, CEO of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA), discusses the complexities of economic uncertainty, regulatory changes, and the growing threat of cyber-attacks, and provides valuable perspective on the challenges ahead.… Read more