Joanna Oakey, Managing Partner, Aspect Legal

A business owner spends many years of long hours, hard work and sacrifice to build the business. After all that effort, how do they ensure they get the best price when they’re ready to move on and exit?… Read more

Michael Jones, Partner, Mazars

Despite there being no changes to superannuation in this year’s federal Budget, it’s a good opportunity to think about your own super and – particularly SMSF members – to prepare your fund balances to manage tax today and for any possibly future changes.… Read more

Alita Harvey-Rodriguez, Managing Director, MI Academy

Since the lifting of lockdowns, the ideas around how we work and indeed why we work, have been thrown into question and rather than ‘The Great Resignation’ it’s actually the ‘Great Reshuffle’

Alita Harvey-Rodriguez, Managing Director of the MI Academy, an award-winning digital marketing and customer experience consultancy, has noticed five recurring themes that require business owners to shift focus in order to attract and keep staff in a candidate’s market.

Dan Williams, Business Coach, EOS Worldwide

It’s not so much what you say, but how you say it – a good lesson for communication in general, and certainly when it comes to delivering a presentation.… Read more

Ros Weadman, Brand Communication and Reputation Specialist

Your reputation is your most valuable intangible asset and critical to sustainable business success. That’s according to Ros Weadman, brand communication and reputation specialist and author of ‘Enhance your reputation: how to build a brand people want to work for, buy from and invest in’.… Read more