Dan Williams, Business Coach, EOS Worldwide

Can doubt be beneficial or is it just a dampener on innovation and initiative? Dan Williams is the Asia Pacific Business Coach for EOS Worldwide he says that the role of the sceptic is a critical one and often misunderstood.… Read more

Roy Osing, Entrepreneur & Author

It’s not enough to satisfy needs anymore. Instead, great marketing organisations are able to satisfy cravings. That’s according to entrepreneur Roy Osing, who says consumers are willing to pay more money for something they crave than for something they merely need.… Read more

Roy Osing, Entrepreneur & Author

For many in business, it’s hard to avoid the discounting game. When your competitors are all reducing their prices throughout the year and offering seasonal sales, there’s pressure to reduce the dollar figure on your own price tags.… Read more

Alexi Boyd, CEO, Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA)

It’s an urgent issue that needs to be immediately addressed: Australian businesses now only have until the end of tomorrow, Tuesday 20th September 2022, to exclusively purchase the domain name of their business or brand, ending in the new suffix “.au”.… Read more

Leela Cosgrove, Founder and CEO, Strategic Anarchy

According to the Founder and CEO of the Strategic Anarchy business consultancy, the “eight percent” describes that segment of the business community that goes beyond just wanting to create financial success.… Read more