Colin Pearce, Sales trainer and author

Our preoccupation with making ends meet, paying the bills, the wages, sorting out stock levels and generally keeping the lights on may lead us to overlook the fundamental reasons why people do business with us.… Read more

Ebru Sak, Saks Salons

Ebru Sak is an amazing entrepreneur and innovator with energy, compassion and enthusiasm for business and life. Her early life was a struggle as she was dragged out of school by her father and forced into an arranged marriage at 16 years old.… Read more

Dermot Crowley, Author and speaker

Are you overwhelmed by urgency? Do the distractions throughout the day feel as if you don’t have the time to get the important things done?… Read more

Andrew Griffiths, Business Consultant and Author

35 years ago, he ran a tiny scuba diving shop in Sydney and knew nothing about business. Andrew Griffiths has learned some huge lessons along the way.… Read more