Michelle Gibbings, Workplace Expert and Author

With Christmas just around the corner, now’s the time to unwind and relax. You’ve probably made plans to have a holiday and reset your body and mind, but have you thought about ditching your mobile devices?… Read more

Richard Turner, Entrepreneur and Author

People often buy on impulse, so you must be able to respond quickly to close a sale. That’s according to entrepreneur Richard Turner, who’s written a book from his experience of founding four companies in four different industries: ‘The Essential Entrepreneur: What it takes to start, scale and sell a successful business’.… Read more

Les Watson, Small Business Coach and Productivity Expert

Being on time matters. In business, punctuality reflects your integrity and builds trust with others whom you honour with a promise of not being late.… Read more

Mike Goldman, Leadership Team Coach, Author and Speaker

One result of the new-normal we find ourselves in, is a renewed focus on workplace culture. And it’s incumbent on leaders to not only balance the values between business and staff, but be able to hold people accountable to those values.… Read more

If retirement isn’t based around money, what is it about? What it’s not about is doing nothing. That’s according to Peter Graham, who’s been in the retirement game for 40 years as a financial planner, retirement coach and owner of Redefining Retirement.… Read more

Sue Barrett, Director, Barrett Consulting Group

Sales managers are often thrust into their positions because it’s the natural progression to their career. The problem is they’re often given little ongoing support and training in management.… Read more