Tony Gattari, Business Coach

Too often we’re fixated on finding new customer leads. It’s what sales guru Tony Gattari calls “lead madness”. First and foremost, he says, you need to be able to accurately measure the different variables in your sales and marketing process: customers, transactions, and average dollar sales.… Read more

Sue Barrett, CEO, Barrett Consulting Group

A perception still exists among many in business that sales is a combat sport. In order to be good at sales, you need a thick skin and be hardwired to win at all costs – qualities that tend to favour men.… Read more

Bernard Desmidt, Leadership Coach

What’s the difference between a team that is merely functioning and one that is flourishing? Well, a high-performing team is able to build trust, create accountability, and unify around a common purpose.… Read more

John Di Natale, Business Mentor, Keynote Speaker

Barriers to growth are many – none more so than finding capital. Small businesses in particular struggle to find extra money to fund growth because of a lack of time and resources.… Read more