John Wood, Founder, The Realm of Possibility

As a businessman, John Wood built Fleetwood Corporation – the largest integrated company of its type in Australia, with caravan parks, park homes, lifestyle villages and much else in between.… Read more

Darrell Hardidge, CEO, Saguity

How can you turn the fantastic customer experience you offer into a goldmine? We’ve heard from Darrell Hardidge, CEO of Saguity before, about striving to provide a 10 out of 10 client experience.… Read more

Bernard Desmidt, Leadership Coach

What’s the difference between a team that is merely functioning and one that is flourishing? Well, a high-performing team is able to build trust, create accountability, and unify around a common purpose.… Read more

John Di Natale, Business Mentor, Keynote Speaker

Barriers to growth are many – none more so than finding capital. Small businesses in particular struggle to find extra money to fund growth because of a lack of time and resources.… Read more

Marnie Jones, Director, Talent X

A manager needs to embody a group of distinct archetypes if they are to reach their full potential, according to recruitment expert and Director of the Talent X agency, Marnie Jones.… Read more

Shane Hatton, Business Coach and Author

Culture is often regarded as an advantage of world-class organisations. But, how do you build a great culture and how much does it rest on the person at the top?… Read more

Evan Beissel, Partner, Mazars

Discretionary trusts have been popular structures among family businesses and other groups because of their flexibility, their protection against assets, and their limited tax consequences.… Read more