Luke Faccini, Founder and Brand Strategist, The Sponge

Business names can sometimes have a use-by date. If you’re thinking about a name change, there are important things to consider.… Read more

Bri Williams, Behavioural Specialist

Numbers have a magnetic effect on people and can anchor their behaviour. Behavioural specialist, Bri Williams discusses a golf study which found that professional golfers tended to take fewer strokes when the same hole was labelled as a par four compared to when it was labelled as a par five.… Read more

Bill Withers, Founder, ADAPT by Design

Building a business that operates independently of its owner increases its appeal and value to potential buyers. Bill Withers understands this all too well, he’s the Founder of ADAPT by Design, and former owner of global, geoscience tech company, acQuire.… Read more