Jackie Crane, Life Risk Adviser, Personal Risk Professionals

Life, income and TPD (total and permanent disability) insurances are often included in a superannuation policy. That might be fine to some people, but it could impact the eligibility requirements and tax paid when a claim is made.… Read more

Monique Richardson, Customer Service Expert

When a customer is upset with product or service, it’s often the frontline staff who cop the complaint. To ensure a bad situation doesn’t get worse, it’s important to know how to deal with a customer’s difficult behaviour.… Read more

Anna Marshall, Director, People Mastery

There is, as they say, a first time for everything. And that includes stepping into a leadership role. To help first-time managers, we hear from leadership expert Anna Marshall, founder of People Mastery and author of ‘On you marks, get set…LEAD!:… Read more

Paul Taylor, Founder, MindBodyBrain Performance Institute

Paul Taylor knows resilience better than most. A current PhD student in Applied Psychology, Paul’s a former Airborne Anti-submarine Warfare Officer in the Royal Navy, a former professional boxer, Australian Fitness Industry presenter of the year, and founder of MindBodyBrain Performance Institute.… Read more